GH Nagai Photographics

Course Syllabus

Metering Light: The Third Eye in Photography
De-Mystifying Light & Shadows

Gordon H. Nagai, Instructor

I. Meeting 1: Photography with a Light Touch.

  1. Introductions.
  2. Class Business: Registration, attendance, and review of course outline.
  3. Identifying class questions about Light and Photography.
  4. Light: How it works.
  5. Lighting and The Five Time Zones for photography.
  6. Technical stuff on cameras and exposure.
  7. Slide presentation: What you see is not always what you get...
  8. Photo Assignment 1.

II. Meeting 2: Metering: Moody & the Beast.

  1. Review Photo Assignment 1.
  2. Metering: How light meters work, or don't…
  3. 18% Grey Scale.
  4. The Zone System.
  5. Scene-Brightness-Range (SBR): Assessing contrast in light & shadows.
  6. Slide Presentation.
  7. De-coding symbols in the viewfinder.
  8. Decision Time.
  9. Photo Assignment 2.

III. Meeting 3: The Third Eye & Photography

  1. Review Photo Assignment 2.
  2. Severe Contrast/Light and Shadows: Some Solutions.
  3. The Color Wheel and Light: How to get rolling with your internal metering...
  4. Flash and Reflectors: Working with shadows in high-contrast conditions.
  5. Filters and Shades and Umbrellas: Working with highlights in high-contrast situations.
  6. The Color Wheel and Light.
  7. Slide Presentation.
  8. Aesthetic decisions: (The Three Bears syndrome)

IV. Meeting 4: Saturday All-Day Outing

  1. 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ~ Intimate Landscapes: Group and Individual Instruction.
  2. 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM ~ Lunch and Discussion of Western and Eastern Design Perspectives.
  3. 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM ~ Macro/Close-up Photography: Group and Individual Instruction.
  4. 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM ~ Grand Vista Photography: Group & Individual Instruction.

V. Meeting 5: Sharing of Slides from Fieldwork Outing

  1. 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM ~ Sharing of slides from Saturday field work.
  2. Course/Workshop evaluation and feedback for Instructor.


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