Photo Galleries

Welcome to my gallery section - I hope it gives a taste of my work with camera and lens...
I began with Gallery I, which contains my more traditional work with landscape photography, bridges, and flowers. While these images came out of my interactions with my environment, they were the initial growth stages of my inner work with the art of photography... |
As I grew to love the art, and matured in my grasp of what this whole matter was all about, I turned more and more to the inward journey that aided me in capturing the images, that shaped my visual perspective, that gave me my visual voice. It is always a step through the looking glass when I peer through the viewfinder - and I never quite know what I will stumble across that will touch my heart or take my breath away... |
View From the Headwaters:
Journey to the Heartland:
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In times of stress, when we are called upon by circumstances to stretch beyond our normal reach, we can go within to a place of peace and calm, and there find the touchstone that heals, that infills and brings us the wherewithall to return and move forward no matter the barriers, the tides, or the winds... |
There are myriad places and things in the world around us that are windows to that inner garden - where telephones don't ring, headlines don't blare, and time stands still - if now only to go there once in a while... |
In the vast backwaters of the mind, that place of twilight and mystery, are images that at times stir and unsettle, though this isn't all bad, and that also warm the heart and feed the soul....It is a place where creativity is born, where the heart nurtures your deepest-held desires, and where courage stokes its inmost fires....when you see beyond all surface fluff and fenders, you experience essence and are in the presence of what is authentic...
When you are intimately close to something, be it some thing or some one, wonder is can do that for you - there is something about them that touches us deeply, and seeing the delicate inside of a flower can open those backwaters of the mind to the poetry of the heart...
Our world is a wonderland of things fun and quirky, beautiful and fine, and sometimes dark and with foreboding...! - the latter isn't always bad; it can provide us with perspective or the impetus to grow....There are elements that if we are open can touch deep within us and give a sense of soaring....There are those things that pierce the darkness of the mind as an idea that illuminates...
Some things are poignant and touching in ways that confound thought, but in your heart of hearts you know they are real....And then there are those things that catch us off guard and cause us to chuckle and smile, and our day is the better for it - the quirky ones, a little off kilter, ones with a light touch are ones that I love to capture...
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Black and white photography is the medium of the inner, of memory traces and recollection - even though one's subject may be contemporary, one is still transported back in time....the absence of color forces one to look very differently at a black and white photograph - to see instead forms and lines, to see light and darkness and the medium of black and white there is primarily light and shadow, with an intriguing variation of grey in between, and forms and lines take on a different sense or tone depending on composition and contrast and shading... |
Colors, on the other hand, will jump out at you and catch your eye - reference the little girl in a red coat in Steven Spielberg's film, Schindler's List, the bougainvilla from my Oaxaca, Mexico trip, or the lavender cast of dawn's early light over my shot of the Golden Gate Bridge....and whereas colors can liven something and make it seem real, or as you remember it, black and white draws one into another realm equally as real - into silence, into contemplation, into mystery - it is there at the verge of light and shadow that the imagination stirs... |