Things Whimsical

We were visiting Yosemite in the late spring one year - on the trail up to Vernal Falls we encountered a ground squirrel who was quite the entertainer...! - he must have had an agent...

Oaxaca, Mexico around the Dia de los Muertos celebration is an intriguing place to be - everyone is warm and welcoming, and the weather is fine being so far south even though it's approaching winter....I guess this little shop is the equivalent of a McDonalds...

I couldn't resist this shot of a young Southeast Asian fisherman in the quiet before the storm of catching fish - I suspect he'd been out on the pier since sunrise and his eyelids lost their war against gravity and fatigue...

#10185a: *
I found this row of mailboxes in a little back alley off Canyon Road in Santa Fe during a photo workshop taking in Santa Fe, Taos, and Ghost Ranch...

#10179: *
This one is just that little bit of subtlty that often catches my eye...

"Here's lookin' at'cha...!" - Diana caught capturing the photographer capturing her capturing the photographer...