Here are photos of my daughter-in-law at her wedding and reception, my daughter at her's a year later, a friend at a Sunday brunch following my daughter-in-law and son's wedding, daughter of the same friend at the Rennaissance wedding, and a young ballerina... |

It was a Hallowedding* set in the grand halls of the Claremont Resort and Spa on a Saturday before All Hallows Eve - a grand surprise for both sets of parents, who thought it was merely a Halloween party, who after their initial shock were just so tickled by it all...
A more Traditional Wedding* set in the picturesque greecian courtyard of the Villa Montalvo estate in Santa Clara - great weather, wonderful company, priceless memories...
And a beautiful bride...
Tori at the brunch following the Villa Montalvo wedding...
The weather was kind on the Sunday after the Hallowedding joining Tori & Paul - Rich was one of the co-conspiritors, who obviously had a ball on this day...
Tracy - the fair Maiden of Honor, Sister of the Princess Bride of the Rennaissance wedding...
A little princess sat quietly in a moment of repose during a wild birthday party for Alexa Dorntge...
* You'll get a real kick out of checking out these two very different weddings - and you'll kick yourself if you miss them - trust me...! |