GH Nagai Photographics

Kelly & Todd

One of the weddings I was fortunate to participate in was that of the daughter of dear friends from our UC Berkeley days - a relationship of longstanding, this was a wedding I had to shoot for a number of reasons. The wedding took place mid-afternoon on the side of Mt. Tamalpais in a sun-lit glade overlooking San Francisco Bay and the Eastbay - there was a renaissance flare, and a fair faire it was, with the bride radiant in white. Michele, also a long-time friend, was the primary photographer - I shot in black and white...

I love black and white for its shades of grey, its lack of color - it requires that you see differently than with a color photograph. Without color as an attraction, or distraction, you are drawn to the image, to the face, to the individual in her or his setting - you see the person without the filter of hue, and the saturation levels enhance the individual with light and shadow - classic...

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