Linea & Rich
This was a very special wedding - one that I was deeply touched to be asked to cover. Rich and a number of the guests and Barbara and I went to Cal together some 40 plus years ago, so our relationships are deep and long-standing. A little over six years ago, Rich's wife, Diane, with whom we had mutually shared families lo these wonderful years, died suddenly, plunging the whole lot of us into a very dark place, Rich certainly being the most affected. Rich's journey since that fateful day, the day after New Years 1998, has been a long and profound one - he has truly plumbed the depths of tragedy, felt the seemingly unending pain of loss, and has risen like the phoenix from the depths of a place of fire and shadows. It was his fortune to encounter a wonderful woman, Linea, and his journey suddenly took on the wonder and excitement of that first of loves - he was young once again, and hopelessly and mindlessly in love....for one to find one truly beloved in a lifetime is a blessing; to find another, well... |
The setting, in a tree encircled campsite on Mt. Tamalpais, was definitely touched by magic. The day before it rained as though the gates of heaven had opened, congering images of Noah's flood. The skies that morning, however, were clear, and Venus sparkled in the lavender-hue of pre-dawn....the sun peaked over the eastern hills with the promise of a day full glorious and spectacular - that promise was fulfilled, and the ceremony was one of humor, celebration, and delight... |
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