It is in solitude that one discovers the gift of time - dwell on your heart's desire, and it becomes you...
Twilight is a time of the inner, of reflection, the stirring of ancient memory traces - for the young it is a time of wonderment and intrigue, but for elders in the midst, it is all that, as well as recollection, bittersweet and nostalgic and beautiful...
In those moments when temperatures soar and the air hangs heavily, when lightning flashes and thunder rolls, it is easy to imagine a time when the fish first came out onto the land...
A raven's call on the wind at eventide, echoing in the canyons of the mind - a summons from the distant past, stirring memory traces of the heart...
There is word about that the universe is in a state of chaos - you would not know this by listening to your heart, or gazing into the eyes of a newborn...
"By suggestion and example, I believe children can be helped to hear the many voices about them. Take time to listen and talk about the voices of the earth and what they mean - the majestic voice of thunder, the winds, the sound of surf or flowing streams..."
~ Rachel Carson: The Sense of Wonder...