The Sandman steals silently through the twilight making his rounds - ever mindful in his work, he eventually leaves everyone in his dust...
What power draws us to a flower - ah, the echoes resounding within it are those of a heartbeat, soothing to the savage breast...
Twilight - the time of wonder and intrigue, when best to catch sight of Merlin and the Unicorn...
Stars spangle the heavenly canopy - its expanse defies comprehension, but the heart beats ever in accord with it...
Tears are salty, as is the sea - is this not truly a thing of wonder...
"The edges of any landscape - horizons, the lip of a valley, the bend of a river around a canyon wall - quicken an observer's expectations. That attraction to borders, to the earth's twilit places, is part of the shape of human curiosity..."
~ Barry Lopez: Arctic Dreams...