Got Questions...?
Ask away about any of the following:
- Anything related to any aspect of photography.
- Digital vs. Film: A grain of truth...
- Understanding exposure: Is it necessary with digital?
- Digital photography and the purist - is it photography?
- Digital photography, photo-journalism, and art...
- Auto-exposure programs, and why you might use them?
- Auto-exposure vs. manual exposure - speed vs. control.
- Auto-focus vs. manual focus - the eyes have it...
- Shooting into the sun - dangers and why do it...?
- High contrast scenes - alternatives to screaming & cursing.
- The Third Eye in Photography: Discovering your visual voice.
- Bounce flash vs. direct flash - What is it, and why do it...?
- Macro-photography - up close and, um, up close...
- Plane-of-focus / depth-of-field - plane truth about seeing clearly...
- Landscape photography - opening your vistas.
- The artist & Urban landscapes.
- Eliot Porter & Intimate landscapes.
- Portraiture & being "just the family historian..."
- Film as your least expensive piece of equipment (a mind-set for digital photographers).
- The artist's Eye: Your most precious piece of equipment.
- Equipment* I use, and why - or why not...
- Lenses: Which ones...? - What do you want to see...?
- How my head is screwed on around equipment.
- Perspective on the unending need for new & better equipment.
- Does bigger make a difference?
- Disillusionment when pricey equipment can't save the shot.
- Photography as a meditative process.
- The medium of photography as art.
- Identity as photographer and artist - and, human being.
- Consideration of art and its relationship to beauty.
- Beauty and its relationship to photography.
- Life and the necessity of Beauty.
- The medium as the massage (For you older folk!).
- Self-expression through any artistic medium of your choosing.
- Discovering one's visual voice, and trusting your heart's desire.
- Photography & Flight: The portal to Wonderland
- How to deal with perfectionism - your own, and that of others.
- A cost/benefit analysis of photography to an introvert.
- Other questions on your mind...
* See What I Use in The Way of Equipment...
I will share whatever I know about the art of photography and its associated craft, thoughts on my personal vision, and its importance in my work - and, pretty much anything else that may be on your mind...
If you stump me and I don't know the answer, I'll check it out and get back to you, or think of where I can send you for an answer...